What a (2/3 of a ) Year!

Earlier this week, several folks from the Marketing team at work went out for a holiday luncheon. During that lunch (about which, I will soon post),my former boss asked me if I planned on writing a "Top Ten of the Year" post. Honestly, I hadn't considered writing a year-end post, but I did like the idea.This post won't cover a full calendar year, as this particular blog was launched on April 17, 2012. Nor will it be a "Top Ten", but I think "Top Five" works!In the eight months since I launched "She Ordered What?!?", I've seen readership grow in numbers and expand across the globe. Additionally, the blog has become the topic of conversation wherever I go! So, first and foremost...THANK YOU ALL!!I recognize that the fact that SOW is so focused may limit readership a bit, and the recent decline in my business travel has prevented me from writing as many interesting posts as I'd like to write. Yet, I'm thrilled to report that the blog currently has over 1,700 followers! As I mentioned in my interview with Brad Marley earlier this year, I would have been happy if just one or two of my friends took an interest!Check out how far-reaching SOW has been! (the gray areas are areas of opportunity!)photo (1)When I was in Singapore, I was shocked to find out that my friend Steve had been reading the blog. Not only had he been reading it, but he was incredibly complimentary toward me, and about me, as he explained to his friends why I was always taking pictures at meals. Thank you for your support, Steve.So, beyond launching the blog, being interviewed for Brad's blog, and taking a fabulous vacation to Singapore in 2012, I guess should share my favorite memories from the past eight months!My personal favorites:5) Chilli crab in Singapore - It was messy, at times frustrating, but thoroughly enjoyable! I really appreciate that Steve made sure we had Chilli crab while I was in Singapore. I also cannot say enough great things about the BEST asparagus - EVER! I mean...look at the photo in this post and tell me you can't see just how very delicious it was!2012-11-26 13.36.474) Der Braumeister in Cleveland - This dinner was for my uncle Jim's 60th birthday, and we had excellent food, and an even better server that evening! Kelsey was an absolute trip, as you'll see in the video I shot that night. If you're in Cleveland, I recommend checking out Der Braumeister!IMG_12383) The Koh San Road Mac 'n Cheese in the Greater Detroit area - I still can't believe someone came up with the idea for Pad Thai mac 'n cheese! Yet, they did! And, it's ah-mazing! Every time I see a Facebook update from The Mac Shack, I crave this dish. At some point, I'm pretty sure that I will be able to convince Dan and Lindsay to deliver me a plate, or to Fed Ex one over to me! I also fully anticipate posting a guest post from Dan in 2013! I didn't pursue it much this year, but I plan to next year! ;-)The Mac Shack Mac n Cheese Surprise2) It's a Tria! Ker, Audra, and Alicia - in Dearborn, MI - I think the circumstances of that particular night just lined up such that I had a truly perfect evening just down the parking lot from where I live. The servers were super, and excited about choosing food and wine for me. They loved reading the post after the fact (and I'm told that The Henry Hotel actually included a link on their site for a while). The next time I came in, they continued to chat with me about the experience that night. It's wonderful to have a great dining spot so close to home.My "salmon" dish.and, the favorite dining experience (thus far!)...1) Karu's Indian Banana Leaf - I think it's appropriate that Singapore provides the book-ends for the top five of 2012. At Karu's, the company, the food, and the overall experience were all tremendous. Again, I wish I had the presence of mind, and the quick hands to take more pictures throughout the meal. It really was incredible! I've had Indian food many times before, but I had never been to a banana leaf restaurant. It's now a vivid memory, and one that continues to make me grin every time I tell someone about it! Thank you to Steve, Lingam, Bong Tong, and the rest of the gang for treating to me this delightful new experience.2012-11-23 19.13.38More than an honorable mention...I also have to mention the most read post that I didn't write myself. I've had the extreme pleasure of having several guest posts from friends and family, but it's this one, written by Jerod, out of Dallas, TX that sparked the most interest. You have no idea just how many people asked me about the folks involved in this post! I can't blame anyone - they are two fantastic people, and it was an awesome story!her-mealI have a few goals for 2013, and I appreciate any and all input y'all are willing to provide.1) I'd like to continue to expand readership. Please feel free to spread the word about "She Ordered What?!?", "Like" the blog on Facebook, follow the pins on Pinterest, or follow tweets on Twitter (either at @kerkilbourne or @sheorderedwhat).2) I'd like to engage the readers even more. Comments are not only welcome, but encouraged and requested! Or, even a simple "like" of any of the posts that you actually do like!3) For anyone interested in guest-posting, please just reach out to me. I'd love to have posts from all over. Since I'm not traveling as much these days, I am absolutely open to hearing about restaurants and experiences from your local area or from the places to which you travel! You don't have to be a "writer".Image c/o http://media.beta.photobucket.com/user/TheBat25Here's a secret: most people don't fancy themselves writers, but most write very well! And, I'm always willing to take the red pen to make edits (without changing the story itself) if you're truly uncomfortable having your unedited work published.Again, thank you so very much for your support in my blogging endeavor. I'm having a blast writing, and I hope you're enjoying reading the posts!Happy holidays all, and all my best in 2013!Cheers!Ker


My Heart Melted at Melt Bar and Grilled, Mentor, OH


Support for Sandy Hook (A Blogger Day of Silence)