Superior Service & Delicious Dining at Urban Farmer, Cleveland, OH

Over Labor Day weekend, I visited my family in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. As is our routine, my brother chose a few restaurants for me to pick from. Our family always enjoys a meal out when I visit. Lately, we've been trying to head into the city to try some new places (new to our family, anyhow).This time, one of the restaurants on Adam's list was Urban Farmer Steakhouse in downtown Cleveland. It only took me seeing that this is a farm-to-table concept restaurant to decide it was the one I was voting to check out. (You probably know of my love for farm-to-table, and specifically Braise here in Milwaukee.)Urban FarmerFullSizeRenderWe entered the rustic, yet elegant restaurant, adjacent to the Westin Hotel, and sat down in a cozy rounded booth. We were greeted by our server, Ashley. Now, I'm just going to say this right now: Ashley is quite possibly the most knowledgeable and impressive servers I have ever encountered. Absolutely top-notch. More on that later.Ashley walked us through the concept described above - two kitchens (one for cooking, and one with a butchery and bakery), a below-level garden which supplies most of the herbs and vegetables for the restaurant, the relationships with local farms, etc. Then, she walked us through the different cuts of meat, the differences in how the cattle were raised and the impact of their diets on the flavors of the steaks, and the differences in how they are aged to affect tenderness and flavor. Ashley didn't require any cheat sheets, and she made everyone feel comfortable (and impressed!). On top of her knowledge, she wasn't the least bit stuffy or dry; she let her sense of humor come through as she inserted jokes and color commentary during her descriptions ("don't mess with my meat" - she doesn't believe in sauces or toppings).When I gave her my card and advised her that she would be choosing my meal, she asked "seriously?". Yes. "Okay, I know what I'm serving you!" - without hesitation. These are the types of meals I get really excited about because I know the server is going to choose really well.We opted to get a few side dishes, which Ashley recommended sharing between two or three people. Ashley chose mine as well.As it turns, out my entire dinner was shared. By far the best entree at our table; the vote was unanimous. That being said, everyone was very pleased with his/her meals.So, what did Ashley choose, you ask? Wait no longer...
Wanting to share her favorite with me, Ashley chose the 14 ounce (FOURTEEN OUNCE!!) twenty-one day dry aged bone-in strip steak. It was perfection! Luckily, everyone at the table wanted to try this cut, so I didn't feel completely overwhelmed or as though I'd have to try to finish it on my own. The plate was clean by the end of the meal though! The steak was really tender and had terrific flavor. It's a spoiler for any other cut moving forward.Ashley chose to bring foraged mushrooms as the side. A very nice compliment to the steak, and enough to feed at least four people! At the table we also ordered: potato puree (though my brother wouldn't share!), asparagus (with cured farm egg yolk and chili), and twice-baked fingerling potato tart with bacon and aged cheddar. Everything was delicious!Pro tip: you won't go home hungry from Urban Farmer Steakhouse. Bring an appetite! Ashley asked if she should choose a dessert for me. Where to put it?!? Ultimately, since there was a gluten-free option for my brother and my uncle, my parents and I decided to share whatever Ashley decided to bring so we would all enjoy a bit of decadence.My brother and uncle tried the lemon olive oil cake with kale ice cream (it's much better than it sounds!), and pepper crisps.If I were choosing my own, I'd have either gone for the lemon cake or the strawberry rhubarb cobbler with pistachio, buttermilk frozen yogurt and basil, because I generally like citrus or fruit desserts more than chocolate (but, not always!).However, I was in the most capable hands, and I knew it! Ashley chose the butterscotch sundae with a warm brown butter blondie and toffee chip ice cream. AKA: heaven in a jar!IMG_5107My parents and I kept passing this jar around, taking one delicious bite at a time. The brownie and ice cream were melting into each other, combining incredible flavors together.While we all walked out of Urban Farmer Steakhouse absolutely full, we walked out feeling like we had just had one of the best meals in a long time. And, we all agreed that Ashley set the bar for outstanding service! In fact, my uncle made it a point to seek her out so he could inform her that she was so impressive that she truly did elevate our experience that evening.I definitely recommend a visit to Urban Farmer Steakhouse if you're in Cleveland. I'd love to go back and take a tour of the kitchens and garden  (if the management allows it). Of course, I'd have to stay for dinner again! :-)What is your most memorable dining experience? Where were you? I'd love to hear from you!Cheers!Ker

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