Doors Open Milwaukee Weekend - A Honeypie Breakfast

I'm so far behind in blogging. Since I took my current role back in February, I haven't been able to make time to enjoy writing new posts. I have one from a conference in Miami in March to write. I have others from various travel, including Louisville, and I someday hope to get to them!However, my brother, Adam, is visiting this weekend, as he does every year for Doors Open Milwaukee (#DOMKE) weekend. DOMKE is the perfect mash-up for Adam's interests in architecture and photography. It also provides me a bit of downtime to actually sit and write!We started our weekend at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater seeing "In the Heights", written by Lin-Manuel Miranda back in 2005. It's a high-energy musical with great vocals, amazing dancing, and a great story line. We then attended an after-party with music and interactions with cast members. One of my friends and I were absolutely fascinated by a particular member of the ensemble (shown here) - those moves she has - WOW!IMG_3878After that late, fun night along with Mike (pictured above), his wife Christy, and our friend Chuck (who gave us a tour of the newly renovated Stackner Cabaret Theater), Adam and I decided to start #DOMKE in Cudahy, and therefore have breakfast in Bay View. So, Honeypie it was!I've been there once before, with Sweet Phi, and really should visit more often! I couldn't decide amongst three options on the menu:BREAKFAST CASSEROLE biscuit, roasted potatoes, mushrooms, sausage gravy, cheddar cheese, bacon, sunny egg $13BREAKFAST RISOTTO pork belly, Fernwood kale, cranberry beans, radicchio, herb butter, poached egg, parmesan $14SHRIMP & GRITS bacon, andouille, roasted pepper, tomato, poached egg, gremolata $16Jordan, our server, was "on it". She chose the Shrimp & Grits which were full of flavor (and full in the bowl!). She checked in several times, made sure we were all set with beverages, to-go boxes, and even "reserved" the last piece of chocolate fudge bourbon pie for me to take home. Now, I have shrimp & grits for another meal as well as a slice of Honeypie's famous pie. (PS: Jordan's choice may or may not have been influenced by my sporting my Clemson Tiger gear)IMG_2372IMG_2385After breakfast, we were off to see some of the interesting, and beautiful sites in my dear Milwaukee. I know other cities have "Doors Open" weekends. Have you taken part? What are your favorite venues?Cheers!Ker


It's been a minute!


Fahrenheit Cleveland - 15 Years Later, Still Tremont's Hot Spot, December 2017