Well hello there! I haven't written a post in a very long time, but I want to get back into it now that Pandemic isn't 100% controlling our lives anymore.

The funny thing is that I took 84 flights last year - during COVID - and as a result did eat out quite a bit. I actually used my blog card most of those times, but just didn't take the time to write up posts about my experiences. Shame on me, because those were probably some of the most unique dining experiences of late! Masked up and shielded by plexiglass. Who knew!?!

This was in Tampa. Beautiful and flavorful fish while eating by the water.

Also, like many, I baked A LOT during COVID. It's not necessarily something that I "took up" during Pandemic, but I continued to feed my neighbors' bellies, for sure! Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, muffins, soft pretzels, breads, bear claws, cinnamon rolls, bagels, biscotti, bars, etc. You name it, I've probably made some version of it. Single serve deli containers have been a saving grace - neighbors get "grab-n-go" treats in our lobby on a weekly basis.

I'm excited to work my creative side by getting back into blogging about my experiences in allowing servers to choose their best recommendations for me. It's been such a fun way to try new food, or food that I wouldn't normally choose for myself.

If you've got recommendations, please feel free to comment!




A month of celebrations!


Doors Open Milwaukee Weekend - A Honeypie Breakfast